The idea for this blog, and my goal of raising $5,000 for the National MS Society, were conceived during a 20 mile training run for my first marathon. Here I will simultaneously chronicle my experience living with MS for the past decade and my marathon training progress.
Help me reach my goal!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dedicated To The One(s) I Love

My parents
This is it.  As I write this post, 24 hours from the start of my first marathon, I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for all the support and love that has surrounded me in the past 10 years. 

My brother
I am grateful for my family.  For my parents who gave me the skills to become a strong, independent person.  With their guidance and continued support I have been able to thrive in the face of disability.  For my brother, without whose encouragement I might never have started running. For my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who have always freely offered their love and support.

My family
My friends

 I am thankful for my friends who have been there to hold me up (literally, at times).  Being able to share my struggles and turn frustration to laughter has provided me with strength and, I believe, has helped me heal.

Grateful doesn't even begin to describe my feelings when I think of Steve, who has been here, by my side, throughout this whole journey.  Our first date was just weeks before my first attack of MS.   He was there for that first visit to the ER.  Months later he patiently listened while I explained through tears that I probably had MS and what that might mean.  He has ridden many miles to raise money for the National MS Society.  He has helped me eat, walk, and inject myself with my medicine. Despite all of the complications that MS has thrown into our relationship, he has stood by me and provided strength, encouragement and humor whenever I have needed it.
The love of my life

The uncertainty of what an MS diagnosis may mean, and the sometimes sudden appearance of disability that can often be invisible to others, can take a toll, both physically and emotionally.  I have been extremely blessed to have such an incredible network of people supporting me every step of the way, but not everyone is so lucky.  Knowing how difficult I have found living with MS to be at times, I can only imagine what a struggle it must be for those who don't have the same level of support.  It is not surprising to me that many people with MS suffer from depression.  Thanks to the incredible people I have in my life, I am able to wake up each morning and face a new day with joy and determination to make the most what life has to offer me.

Thank you for reading my story.  I will continue to write about my journey as I prepare for my next challenge: The New York City Marathon!

If you haven't yet, check out my fund for the National MS Society and help me reach my goal!

*All pictures were taken by the amazing Rae Barnes and her husband Chris.  They donated their skills and did an incredible job photographing our wedding.  Thanks to them we have beautiful documentation of our wedding day!

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