The idea for this blog, and my goal of raising $5,000 for the National MS Society, were conceived during a 20 mile training run for my first marathon. Here I will simultaneously chronicle my experience living with MS for the past decade and my marathon training progress.
Help me reach my goal!

My Marathon Training Progress

September 22nd, 2012:  This weekend we drove up to Delmar, NY to attend the wedding of Steve's close friend.  While they went golfing the morning of the wedding, I laced up my sneakers and hit the road.  So I didn't get lost, I chose an easy to follow route on highways with wide shoulders.  Yep, high winds, traffic and no shade.  Not the nicest 16 miles I've ever run, but I got through it and still had energy left to dance for hours!  It's amazing how this training has changed my idea of a long run.  If you told my in June that I wouldn't consider 16 miles very long, I would have laughed in you face.  What a difference some training makes!
September 16th, 2012:  Felt great on my 13 mile run this morning!  What a difference a week makes!  I'm so glad that my body has been able to recover fairly quickly.  It bodes well for running 2 marathons within a month!  That's right, I'm officially running both the Hartford Marathon on October 13th, and the New York City Marathon on November 3rd!   
September 12th, 2012: Not sore, but definitely feeling tired from running the 26 miles on Sunday.  I tried to run 7 1-mile intervals today, but only managed to make it through 4 of them.  I think I'll take a few days rest and see how my 13 mile run goes this weekend.
September 9th, 2012:  Set out for a 24 mile run today.  The sun was shining and the air was finally (after incredible humidity and heat the past couple of days) feeling crisp and cool.  This  the last long (over 20 mile) run that I can fit in before the Hartford marathon, and I had really wanted to be able to run 26 prior to the big day.  Just to be mentally ready.  But with weddings and other events coming up it just didn't look like it could happen.  I made sure to carefully track my pace this time and make sure I wasn't going out too fast and by 10 miles I was still feeling great.  With no big plans for the day, I decided to tack on the additional 2 miles and make it 26.  I now know what people mean when they talk about hitting the wall at mile 20.  Even though I kept my pace slow, by 20 miles I was really feeling it.  It took a lot of mental energy to keep going, but I did it.  Couldn't wipe the grin off my face when I got home and told Steve what I had managed to accomplish today!

August 29th, 2012:  6 1-mile intervals today.  The workout went surprisingly easily, especially considering the pain I was in immediately following my 22 mile run.  It is amazing to me that an 8 mile (including warm-up and cool-down) interval workout seems fairly short to me now.  Its all about perspective.  Today I start a new challenge: working my runs around my job.  I wasn't going to be working full time this year, but couldn't resist when a great opportunity came my way.  I'm very excited to start working, but a little apprehensive about how I am going to fit it all in.
August 26th, 2012:  I wimped out on my run Friday.  I've been battling a cold and thought I should probably rest up and try the 22 miler when I felt better.  Thankfully, that only took until Sunday!  I got a new water bottle for my oh-so-sexy Fuelbelt, so now I can carry 28 ounces of water with me (if that's not bad-ass, I don't know what is)!  I too advantage of the water fountain that I discovered and strategically planned my water breaks so I could stop and fill up twice.  It was much needed today.  I must have gone out pretty fast, but by mile 20 I was feeling it.  I struggled though the final 2 miles, barely moving, but still ended up with a 9:13 pace overall.  Steve was kind enough to figure out my pace as I lay incapacitated with leg cramps on our living room floor.  After lots of ice and cold water (and some ibuprophen), I am feeling much better!  
August  23rd, 2012:  Today is a rest day.  I've been trying to hydrate all day and am looking forward to a pasta dinner to help prepare me for my 22 mile training run tomorrow.  A day without running once in a while is really nice, especially now that I've been spending so much time in my sneakers.  As nice as a day off can be, I am looking forward to lacing up, turning on my music and zoning out for almost 4 hours tomorrow.  And now that I've discovered a water fountain on my route, it'll be that much sweeter!

August 21st, 2012:  Twelve 400 meter hill repeats today.  Brutal, but I did it!  The thought that kept me going was the possibility of a second marathon on the horizon.   Since I haven't signed up yet, I won't go into too much detail, but here's a visual hint: 

Hours of dancing must count as at least a few miles, r
August 18th, 2012:  Well, we didn't get out for a run on Saturday, but I figured that about 6 of dancing must count as a workout.  It was the best dance party I have ever been to for several reasons:  1: Just look at that view, it's surreal.  2:  Awesome DJ, a friend of my cousin, who kept spinning great music all night long.  3: It is cold in the Adirondacks, and once the sunset, you had to keep dancing to stay warm.  Everyone kept going for hours (without sweating)!   The next morning Steve, my Mom and I got out for a 6 mile run on Coreys Road.  So peaceful and cool.  The temperature was perfect and there were no bugs!  Truly a blissful weekend.  Congratulations to Caits and Taf! 

August 15th, 2012:  My long run this week was a "short" one, only 12 miles.  I usually try to do my long runs on Saturdays, but this week it had to be early because my cousin is getting married on Saturday!  I'm very excited to go to the Adirondack Mountains, enjoy the cool air and spend the weekend with my wonderful extended family.  While there, my training partner (who just happens to be my amazing mother) and I are going to pick out some matching jerseys to wear on the big day.  Hopefully we'll fit in a run, too!  I might be biased, but it's the most beautiful place to run.  The fact that you can just jump into fresh, clear water for a swim afterwards doesn't hurt either!
August 13th, 2012:  Took a few days off from running after the 20 miler.  I did manage to squeeze in a yoga class on Saturday morning and realized that I should really get back to taking once a week classes.  It's such good cross training and helps me manage my stress, which of course helps keep my MS at bay.  Got back out this morning and ran for about 50 minutes in the park with Steve.  I love running on the trails, jumping over rocks, roots and fallen trees and getting lost in the leaves.  It always brings back great memories of training with the cross country team in high school.  Something about a trail run just feels like less work and more fun.  The time flies by and I love every minute of it.   

August 9th, 2012:  Ran the furthest I have ever gone today!  About 12 miles into my run, I conceived the idea for this blog, and raising money and awareness for MS research.  It was a welcome distraction as the heat continued to climb and the humidity was in the 80-90% range.  The thought came as I was pondering the fact that, when I run the Hartford Marathon on October 13, it will be about 10 years since I experienced my first MS symptoms.  This thought helped power me through the next 8 miles!

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing woman & we are in awe of your dedication and strength! Love, your Chicago Family
